Here I examine the sea level trend calculations presented in Figure 4 and Table 3 of:
Park, J., & Sweet, W. (2015). Accelerated sea level rise and Florida Current transport. Ocean Science Discussions, 12(2), 551-572. [pdf]
The code repository for generating the following figures and tables can be found here. As in the original Park and Sweet (2015) implementation, I calculate trends sea level trends at two gages with publicly available data (Vaca and Virginia Key). My result for Vaca Key was very similar to the original. However, my result for Virginia Key was quite a bit higher despite using the same period-of-record. One explanation for the different trend numbers might be that they were using provisional data that has since been corrected.
Figure 1 Monthly mean sea levels at Vaca Key. Solid line represents calculated trend.
Figure 2 Monthly mean sea levels at Virginia Key. Solid line represents calculated trend.
Table 1 Linear models of mean sea level rise.
Station | Trend (mm yr-1) | Uncertainty (se) |
Vaca Key | 3.91 | 0.43 |
Virginia Key | 4.66 | 0.92 |