Interact with DataONE data repositories using the dataone R package

The dataone R package enables users to construct programmatic queries to DataONE data repositories. This should be very helpful for people interested in making their analyses reproducible! Here I show my workflow for locating, analyzing, and plotting Oneida Lake benthic invertebrate data all without leaving my RStudio session.


Let’s assume that I know that my target data is on KNB so I start by setting up dataone for a node specific KNB search:


cn <- CNode("PROD")
mn <- getMNode(cn, "urn:node:KNB")

Find data id

Let’s also assume that, at least initially, I do not know the id of my target dataset. I only know that the dataset title should include the benthic and Oneida keywords. I choose to use the Solr method to query the database on the Oneida keyword and filter the results to entries containing the benthic keyword. I limit the result fields to id, title, and dateModified. For more explanation of the Solr query method see this dataone vignette.

(qy <- dataone::query(cn, list(
                              rows = "300", 
                              q    = "title:*Oneida*",
                              fq   = "(title:*benthic*)",
                              fl   = "id,title,dateModified"), 
                     as = "data.frame"))
##                             id dateModified
## 1                 kgordon.4.51   2016-02-01
## 2                 kgordon.4.52   2016-09-01
## 3                 kgordon.4.56   2016-12-07
## 4                 kgordon.4.38   2016-02-01
## 5                 kgordon.4.37   2013-11-14
## 6  doi:10.5063/AA/kgordon.4.24   2015-01-05
## 7   doi:10.5063/AA/kgordon.4.9   2015-01-06
## 8   doi:10.5063/AA/kgordon.4.3   2015-01-06
## 9  doi:10.5063/AA/kgordon.4.34   2015-01-06
## 10  doi:10.5063/AA/kgordon.4.4   2015-01-06
##                                                                          title
## 1              Benthic invertebrates in Oneida Lake, New York, 1956-
## 2              Benthic invertebrates in Oneida Lake, New York, 1956
## 3              Benthic invertebrates in Oneida Lake, New York, 1956
## 4  Ekman sampling of benthic invertebrates in Oneida Lake, New York,
## 5  Ekman sampling of benthic invertebrates in Oneida Lake, New York,
## 6  Ekman sampling of benthic invertebrates in Oneida Lake, New York,
## 7       Eckman sampling of benthic invertebrates in Oneida Lake, NY,
## 8       Eckman sampling of benthic invertebrates in Lake Oneida, NY,
## 9  Ekman sampling of benthic invertebrates in Oneida Lake, New York,
## 10      Eckman sampling of benthic invertebrates in Oneida Lake, NY,

As far as I know, the results returned by a KNB website query include only the entries not prefixed by a doi designation. Let’s filter our results to exclude the doi entries and sort on the dateModified field to find the most recent result version: :

(qy <- slice(qy, grep("^doi", id, invert = TRUE)))
##             id dateModified
## 1 kgordon.4.51   2016-02-01
## 2 kgordon.4.52   2016-09-01
## 3 kgordon.4.56   2016-12-07
## 4 kgordon.4.38   2016-02-01
## 5 kgordon.4.37   2013-11-14
## 6 kgordon.4.55   2016-09-01
## 7 kgordon.4.57   2016-12-07
##                                                                         title
## 1             Benthic invertebrates in Oneida Lake, New York, 1956-t
## 2             Benthic invertebrates in Oneida Lake, New York, 1956 t
## 3             Benthic invertebrates in Oneida Lake, New York, 1956 t
## 4 Ekman sampling of benthic invertebrates in Oneida Lake, New York,
## 5 Ekman sampling of benthic invertebrates in Oneida Lake, New York,
## 6             Benthic invertebrates in Oneida Lake, New York, 1956 t
## 7             Benthic invertebrates in Oneida Lake, New York, 1956 t
(qy <- arrange(qy, desc(id), desc(dateModified)))
##             id dateModified
## 1 kgordon.4.57   2016-12-07
## 2 kgordon.4.56   2016-12-07
## 3 kgordon.4.55   2016-09-01
## 4 kgordon.4.52   2016-09-01
## 5 kgordon.4.51   2016-02-01
## 6 kgordon.4.38   2016-02-01
## 7 kgordon.4.37   2013-11-14
##                                                                         title
## 1             Benthic invertebrates in Oneida Lake, New York, 1956 t
## 2             Benthic invertebrates in Oneida Lake, New York, 1956 t
## 3             Benthic invertebrates in Oneida Lake, New York, 1956 t
## 4             Benthic invertebrates in Oneida Lake, New York, 1956 t
## 5             Benthic invertebrates in Oneida Lake, New York, 1956-t
## 6 Ekman sampling of benthic invertebrates in Oneida Lake, New York,
## 7 Ekman sampling of benthic invertebrates in Oneida Lake, New York,

Get data package

Next, I download the data package with the getPackage command. This command returns the location of a zip file in the machine’s temporary file system which can be fed to the unzip function.

resource_path <- paste0("resourceMap_", qy[1,"id"])
dt <- getPackage(mn, id = resource_path)
# the unzipped folder has underscores as separators rather than periods
package_path <- file.path(gsub("\\.", "_", resource_path), "data")
(flist <- list.files(package_path))
## [1] "cbfs.140.3-Oneida_Benthos_1956_to_present.csv.csv"
## [2] "cbfs.141.3-Taxa_list_Oneida_Benthos.csv.csv"      
## [3] "cbfs.27.8-Benthos_locations.csv.csv"              
## [4] "kgordon.4.57-METADATA.pdf"                        
## [5] "kgordon.4.57-METADATA.xml"                        
## [6] "resourceMap_kgordon.4.57-RESOURCE.rdf"
fpath <- file.path(package_path, flist[1])
dt <- read.csv(fpath, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, na.strings = "-999.0")
##   Year DepthGroup Season X.SamplingEvents Chironomidae Ephemeroptera
## 1 1957       deep Spring                1        359.9         121.7
## 2 1958       deep Spring                1         34.3         500.0
## 3 1959       deep Spring                1        822.7          34.8
## 4 1962       deep Spring                4        939.8           0.0
## 5 1963       deep Spring                2        454.2           0.0
## 6 1965       deep Spring                2       1782.5           0.0
##   Trichoptera Other.insects Amphipoda Isopoda Leeches Oligochaeta Planaria
## 1         0.0          17.4       8.7     0.0     0.0      NA     NA
## 2         0.0           0.0       0.0     0.0     0.0      NA     NA
## 3         0.0           0.0       0.0     0.0     0.0      NA     NA
## 4         0.0           6.5       0.0     0.0    39.1      NA     NA
## 5         0.0           0.0      52.2     0.0     0.0         4.3     NA
## 6         4.3           0.0       8.7    69.6    13.0        21.7     NA
##   Snails Clams Quagga.Mussels Zebra.Mussels
## 1   NA  NA           NA          NA
## 2   NA  NA           NA          NA
## 3   NA  NA           NA          NA
## 4   NA  NA           NA          NA
## 5   NA  NA           NA          NA
## 6   NA  NA           NA          NA

Plot data

Now that I have the dataset located, downloaded, and read into a data.frame object I go ahead and plot the result while facetting on organism class.


dt <- group_by(dt, Year)
dt <- summarise_each(dt, funs(mean), 5:17)
dt <- reshape2::melt(dt, "Year")

gg <- ggplot(data = dt) + 
        geom_line(aes(x = Year, y = value)) + 